A cure for the plague.

It’s hard not to get discouraged when it comes to the status of our world. Since March 2020, the world changed forever because of a man-made plague. Fear riddled and separated the world. Fear alienated us from our constitutional rights. Fear caused riots in the streets and political bullying. Fear caused a rise in crime, and a new found culture defined by lawlessness and entitlement.

According to a 2010 study the Pew Research Center found that over 41% of Americans believe that Jesus Christ will return by 2050. Violent crime in the United States have exploded since the pandemic and drugs are flooding into our country like never before while Ukraine continues its David vs. Goliath fight against Russia.

Inflation is up higher than it has ever been. Unemployment is up too. And yet there is this sense of greed and entitlement in the air. Influencers selling products online are making millions of dollars and COVID dollars are making corporations rich, while drugs and materialism are killing our babies.

We seemed to win the fight against Roe v. Wade, but now states are fidgeting on what to do and while the LGBTQ+ fight to infuse drugs into our confused babies so they can choose amongst 100+ genders.

So, what is the answer?

Some would argue with me, but I believe we are living in the Day of the Lord. Some Christians would argue the time has come for Christians to shine and be a success. Others would say it is time to fight online and proclaim our voice. During the 2020 presidential election, I watched as people mulled one another on social media as they proclaimed their allegiance to their future king.

No, I don’t think that is the answer. Instead, I think it is more simple. We need to be reminded that our battle is not against flesh and blood, instead it is against the powers and principalities of this dark world. We are living in a time where the spiritual battle happening around us is getting darker, colder and more violent.

We must get back to the basics of our faith. We must learn spiritual warfare.

This page will be a place to encourage you to fight the good fight, to pray like a champion and to be confident that the battle has already won.

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